Here's when we expect to be at the crew meeting places (in best and not-best scenarious):
7:00 a.m. – START in downtown Boonsboro on Alternate U.S. Rt. 40 at 66, adjacent to the Boonsboro Educational Complex
~9:08 a.m. (best) to 9:22 a.m. (not best) - Gathland Gap, mile 9.3
~10:29 to 10:52 - Weverton Cliffs, mile 15.5 (SHOE CHANGE, please!)
~12:34 p.m. to 1:12 p.m. - Antietam Aqueduct, mile 27.1
~2:36 to 3:32 - Taylor’s Landing, mile 38 (moral support, please!)
~4:09 to 5:30 - Downsville, turn onto Spielman Road (MD Rt. 63), mile 46
~4:53 to 6:28 - FINISH in front of Springfield Middle School on Sunset Ave.
Click here to download official directions to the crew meeting places.
Note: There are really only two places where Ray and I will need help, we think. They're in bold above. The first is mile 15.5, Weverton Cliffs, where we'd like to change our shoes. (This is really only important for the person who will be carrying our extra shoes - THANKS, Nate!) The second is mile 38, Taylor's Landing, where we're probably going to need some moral support! The rest of the crew meeting places are totally optional; Ray and I don't know if we'll spend much time there (except, of course, for the start and finish)!
"Support crew members are 'tolerated' at points designated by race organizers on the course. These locations are: Gathland Gap (9.3 miles), Weverton Cliffs exit (15.0 miles), Antietam Aqueduct (27.1 miles), Taylor’s Landing (38.0 miles) and Downsville (46.0 miles). If you do decide to use a support crew, make sure they only meet you at the aforementioned race designated points and that they are instructed to yield 'right-of-way' at all times to Park Service Personnel, officials, volunteers, participants, vehicles and pedestrians on the course. SPECIAL NOTE TO SUPPORT CREW: Vehicle traffic on the JFK 50 Mile’s final 8.4 mile road section will be limited to only race organizers, law enforcement vehicles, and local traffic between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on November 21, 2009. Support crew members in automobiles or on bicycles will not be allowed access to the final 8.4 mile section of the JFK 50 Mile course. Violators of this request will subject their participants to disqualification."
NEXT I'll post a mile-by-mile course description.