Friday, October 30, 2009

Next Friday - The Dance!

Next Friday we celebrate Munda's life in a BIG way.  Come - and bring your friends, neighbors, and folks you meet along the way!  Here are the details.

Benefit Dance in Memory of Munda DiIulio, organized by Aero Energy

Friday, November 6, from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m.

New Oxford Social & Athletic Club Pavilion
200 West Golden Lane
New Oxford, PA
Tel. 717-624-8321
Click below for a Google map and directions:

View Larger Map

$10 each, available for purchase at the door.  RSVP (suggested, not required) to Joyce Miller.

If you get lost on the way, contact the club at 717-624-8321, or me (I'll try to help) at 202-550-6583 (cell).
Other things you might like to know:

There will be a DJ playing a variety of music; bring your requests!

There will be food:  BBQ & Hot Dog sandwiches, pasta salad, cheese & bologna, veggie tray, chips & pretzels. Beer & soda also included. There is no cost for the food, it is included in the $10.00 ticket cost. For an extra buck, however, you can purchase a double Jello shooter!

The dance will coincide with raffle that already includes 45 items, among them:
2 Penn State baskets
Steeler Basket
Texas hold ‘em Poker set
Wine basket
Christmas basket
Numerous “Mary Kay” baskets
Wal-Mart gift certificates (5)
Gift certificates to area restaurant
2 rounds of golf at the Bridges
Nice watch
Designer sun glasses

50/50, "13" JARS, and DOOR PRIZE:
The ticket to the dance enters you in a drawing for a “Tail Gate” grill valued at $200.00.

Some asked me, so I have to write that for you, it's black tie.
For everyone else, John Deere green, Penn State colors, or Steelers colors are a plus, and cowboy boots and denim are always in fashion, but you can just come as you are.