Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hanover Home & Garden, Nov. 6 Dance Update

On Saturday evening, September 5, Munda's wife Shauna wrote:
"Munda is doing so much better. Not ready to run, but he's up and about! The steroids are doing their job. He hates them but he wants to be moving. He wasn't up to attending the fundraiser at Hanover Home and Garden, but Rachel, Edie (our 91-year-old who I talk about all the time to you guys), and I went for lunch. It was truly amazing, the effort and support that everyone was giving - their time, talents, and money. Even in these tough times people still have the heart and care enough to dig down deep and give. It was just over whelming. Joanne and John came tonight with lots of goodies that were left over. We will have eats for a long time. I told the kids to come help all week.


I really wish all you could have been here to share in the joy of caring. Dennis and Karen who own the store were so pleased to have met so many of our friends and co-workers. As you all know we don't have family close by, so we have made everyone our family and they have welcomed us with open arms. We are really blessed to have such great friends. 

Next event - a dance - is being held by Aero Oil on November 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. I hope it will be a celebration of how much better Munda will feel, and that he will be able to attend.

Keep Munda in your prayers and know that we love you all.  


In Run for Munda news:

Ray and I ran twenty miles Saturday. Ray lives in Hampton, Virginia, and we ran on the nearby battlefields at Yorktown, where the British General Lord Cornwallis surrendered to then-General George Washington in the last major land battle of the Revolutionary War, on October 19, 1781. (To read more on this battle, click here.) Part of our run was on "Surrender Road":

As I was telling Ray, it felt strange to be going for a leisurely jog around battlefields - where so many people gave their lives and where our country was born.  "But maybe the soldiers who sacrificed so much would be pleased to know that in 2009 people go jogging around the battlefield, enjoying peace, prosperity, and the leading place of the United States in the world that their sacrifice made possible," I added. So maybe they would appreciate our modern-day use of a cannon?

Ray pointed out: "This isn't exactly a leisurely jog, you know?"

In any case, it was a beautiful day for a run. After we finished, we drove to the York River and took a quick dip - ahhhh!

Shauna, thanks so much for your update.  You and Munda are in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Krista