Monday, September 14, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

Dawn doesn't come as quickly as it used to - have you noticed, too?  So my morning running equipment these days includes a nifty headlamp to help me see in the dark.

I hear that Munda needs our prayers.  So, how about we "shine a light," okay?  Like in the Book of Matthew (5:14-16), and even the words of Elton John - you know the song, right?  (Okay, Sir Elton is singing about the good ol' USA shining a light out to the world.  I'm talking about saying a prayer to shine a light out for Munda!)

One last thing for today: There are 7 days left in the first Run for Munda drive, and we're WAAAAY short of our goal.  Click here or contact me to donate today!